Not sure how to categorize the movie. Love story, period piece, surrealist drama? I think I’ll call it a Disney fantasy for adults and source of memes.
I didn’t know anything about this movie beforehand, so here’s Google’s synopsis:
Midwest native Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire) arrives in 1922 New York in search of the American dream. Nick, a would-be writer, moves in next-door to millionaire Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio) and across the bay from his cousin Daisy (Carey Mulligan) and her philandering husband, Tom (Joel Edgerton). Thus, Nick becomes drawn into the captivating world of the wealthy and — as he bears witness to their illusions and deceits — pens a tale of impossible love, dreams, and tragedy.
Principal cast were good, would of preferred roles swapped between Elizabeth Debicki and Carey Mulligan but I understand why the casting was done (DiCaprio’s character wouldn’t be infatuated w/ someone taller than himself, and Debicki has no main roles I'm aware of without her natural voice).
The cinematography… let’s just say it’s surreal and a by-product of the 3D filming methods. The 3D scenes have oversaturated colors and depth of field. This along with the semi-musical nature of the film having a modern soundtrack (Jay Z songs throughout) are my most critical points of the film.
If intoxicated on alcohol or cannabis, the movie probably moves up to an A-.
First screened February 21, 2023 on HBO Max.
P.S. I didn’t know this was based on an actual book.